
I have been absent from this world for a while. I am preparing to leave Missouri and head to Illinois for a year on a vicarage assignment. I am hoping through the nest year I will be more faithful in corresponding what is transpiring in Staunton through this medium.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Here comes 70 something

The main reason that I am entering is to give this site 70 entries. There is nothing more to say really. The news is starting to decrease out of me because there is less and less, or more to the point, more and more that is happening. BUT, everything that is happening, is happening because of my return to America, which is happening in about 1 month. I can say that I am very, very excitied about being home and seeing the people that I have not seen in many months. I am also looking forward to entering into discussion with people that ask me questions like, "What was the food like?" or "Can you drink the water there?" and a favorite, "How long were you in Thailand?"

For all of you out there that will feel the pain of a question as ignorant as that, please Holla at ya boy...

No? That did not work to well did it? Oh well...

Just going

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Obligatory Sports Entry

Well now that the Mavs have at least the "Best team in Texas" monkey off their back. The Mav's are finally in the finals of the Western conference finals and at that time there will be, perhaps, the two greatest scoring teams in the NBA this year, and perhaps for the last few years. What will happen in the Western Conference Finals? I am guessing a 6 game series, Mavs coming out in the end with the series. I am not guessing that there is going to be any Defense being played during this series, I would guess that for the series the PPG for each team is going to average around 105.
Even though I am not going to be able to see all of the games live, I will be able to see the re-run,
talk to you guys later.


Sunday, May 21, 2006

I still feel

it is true that feelings are based upon what we experience in this life which, depending on your view, is all or nothing of what existance really is: or both. Even with all of that in mind. I still feel empty. But I do have a more solid idea of what I am lacking. It is not God who was far from me, it is I who am far from God, so far. I have been so unfaithful in my spiritual preperation for returning home that I have become completely empty. I need to get back to God's feet, and not even his feet, outside his throne room...nope, I need to get on my knees in prayer.
What I am also empty of is home, the smell, the sounds, the comfort, the people. I am empty of what it is. Of all these things I feel empty.


Tuesday, May 16, 2006

I feel

dry and crumbly, like a Sugar Cookie that has been baked a little too long and then finds itself in the hands of a toddler, but the toddler has his right hand grasping a sippy lidded cup and he is easily distracted and flailing his arms. Bit by bit the cookie is falling on the floor to be swept up later under the task minded mother that three years removed the toddler came forth. I need something inside of me to wake up. I feel empty, I feel empty.
Is it that God is far from me? I feel this is a true statement, I feel like God is far from me, and this might certainly be the truth. I feel tired and empty. I want to be filled up by the fullness of the Spirit, but now I feel empty. I want to be full of Him, but I am empty within. During these in-between times where can I find what I feel like I have lost? Reason says in another place, but logic would say what provided it once before. Is fullness still being provided but I am missing it? Perhaps all I need is some physical activity, or perhaps I need some time.


Just going

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

TIme after Time

In the back of my mind I hear the annoying second hand of life ticking soflty but just loud enough to keep me awake for a few minutes at night. Roughly a month will go by ad I will get on a plane bound for America, then Denver, then DFW, then Pensacola, then Denver, then Taiwan. I am looking forward to the time home, but also already looking past it. Changes have happened in life and there are now factors that creep, like small burrowing beetles, between my skin and flesh causing me to scratch and pick at what feels sureal.
I am only 24, should I already understand the movements of life? Is that an understanding, or a gift, that a person acquires with age spent living in the current?
Ah crap, I cant keep this up. These abstract thought patterns drain me. That is probably why I yawn so often in the morning.

Just going...

Friday, May 05, 2006

Man I am starting to slip again

There is no very good excuse as to why I have not been more faithful to writing. I have been busy with preparing my Senior 3 students for their college entrance exams that are coming up in the next 2 weeks for them. I cannot believe how much more national testing is stressed here than an actual GPA with testing. I think it is very interesting that students can phone in or absolutley flake ou ton classes as long as their test grades are at or above par. Almost like a college setting in high school.
I have been busy getting my affairs in order for my return to the states. I am in the middle of figuring out how much sleep I am going to get the first week I am home. And how I am going to get to see everyone I want to see. If I do not get to see you I am sorry. I will officially open up my parents home to any visitors that would like to come from far or near to stay a while.
I hope all of you are well and I will be sure to add something of substance here as soon as I figure out what kind of substance should be added. Well now that I am starting to think, perhaps I will add something a little more Rock'n'Roll.
If you have not yet heard of a small group named Audioslave I recommend that you find out who they are quickly. There is a song off of their newest album, "Out of Exile," which I cannot get out of my ear drums. When you add the Rock/Funk beat of Rage Against the Machine and the Vocals of Soundgarden together you get a Runky Garden that overgrows with tones of delicious raspiness and screeching guitar solos that make you ask, "How'd they do that?" A most fantastic change of pace from what is turning into a teeny bopper rock scene in the States. There are those great groups that are trying to bring Rock back from the brink, Velvet Revolver, The Darkness, Audioslave, these are just the names of a few bands holding it together. With a fist raised in the air, "Rock On!"

just going