
I have been absent from this world for a while. I am preparing to leave Missouri and head to Illinois for a year on a vicarage assignment. I am hoping through the nest year I will be more faithful in corresponding what is transpiring in Staunton through this medium.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

I feel

dry and crumbly, like a Sugar Cookie that has been baked a little too long and then finds itself in the hands of a toddler, but the toddler has his right hand grasping a sippy lidded cup and he is easily distracted and flailing his arms. Bit by bit the cookie is falling on the floor to be swept up later under the task minded mother that three years removed the toddler came forth. I need something inside of me to wake up. I feel empty, I feel empty.
Is it that God is far from me? I feel this is a true statement, I feel like God is far from me, and this might certainly be the truth. I feel tired and empty. I want to be filled up by the fullness of the Spirit, but now I feel empty. I want to be full of Him, but I am empty within. During these in-between times where can I find what I feel like I have lost? Reason says in another place, but logic would say what provided it once before. Is fullness still being provided but I am missing it? Perhaps all I need is some physical activity, or perhaps I need some time.


Just going


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