
I have been absent from this world for a while. I am preparing to leave Missouri and head to Illinois for a year on a vicarage assignment. I am hoping through the nest year I will be more faithful in corresponding what is transpiring in Staunton through this medium.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


After moving offices to another more central location on campus I am finally set for the upcoming year, I think? The view is much better, by far, and when there is better scenery one can almost be assured that the writing one produces will, in response, be better. More flowing, like nature.
Same Bat time, same Bat channel for most everything else. Not a great deal has changed since I have been gone, and I am guessing there is not too much that will change over the course of this year, I guess, but then again there are always those factors that play into a statement like that, factors being things like, rain, bills, God; stuff like that.
Being home was a much greater experience than I gave it credit for being pre arrival. Mountains, Golf, Fishing, Family, several different types ish things to occupy time and recharge. Now that I am back in the 100+ Humiditory percentile range of Taiwan, I miss the extreme coolness and dry nesses of CO. Something that I am strangely not missing is the food, portion and flavor. The food was great, great, great, but, too much and too salty. Man, no wonder we are the fatest culture on earth. Sodium and food overload, added with little excersie = fat people.
I will sip My Water and write, just to get by.



  • At 10:33 PM , Blogger bluegrassjunkywrites said...

    Hope that you don't get hit by those typhoons! But, you have done it before... Glad to know that you are back doing what you love. Keep writing!

  • At 9:23 PM , Blogger bluegrassjunkywrites said...

    Hey Sam, random question. What's the official name of the ministry that you are doing right now?


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