
I have been absent from this world for a while. I am preparing to leave Missouri and head to Illinois for a year on a vicarage assignment. I am hoping through the nest year I will be more faithful in corresponding what is transpiring in Staunton through this medium.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

I am Concordia Middle School teacher Sam Beltz: and this is the Longest day of My life...

Sweet Nectar of the gods, I call you internet...
Perhaps that is a little overboard, but we finally have what is really the cheapest and easiest way to contact people from America and Beyond. So what has been going on while we have been out of touch? Well there was a Typhoon that rolled through and took out some of the trees on campus and did a little damage to some out lying buildings. There was a little more damage farther north in Tai Pei, and as you move south on a map there is less and less damage.
We were supposed to start up classes last Friday, and have meetings for the English Department all day on Thursday, but class was conceled National due to the Typhoon so everything was pushed back a day which was nice because we started school this past Monday, which is much nicer than a Friday.
I have been in the classroom two days now and it has been great. I am loving how interested the students are in learning English. It has been great for me and my confidence to see how they are reacting to what I am teaching. As for now I am unwinding from the day adn have not even collected the thoughts from yesterday. I am going to make Guacamole, here are some pictures.
Well I guess it is time to show all of those faithful readers and viewers where I am staying for this year. Simple and Elegant I know, and I love the way the rug ties the room together. Notice the upper left corner, one of my little cultural additions to Taiwan, a set of UT Longhorn Foam hands.

just going...


  • At 1:16 PM , Blogger Cassie said...

    I am glad that you are having fun teaching. If teaching is so difficult that you are exhausted after only two days, then it stands to reason that at least you will not get bored. Nice room. How was the Guacamole?

  • At 10:06 PM , Blogger Samuel said...

    "This is the third grade, I want my joke back."


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