
I have been absent from this world for a while. I am preparing to leave Missouri and head to Illinois for a year on a vicarage assignment. I am hoping through the nest year I will be more faithful in corresponding what is transpiring in Staunton through this medium.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Wroking with people whom do not want to work.

If not the most frustrating activity on the planet it is certainly more annoying than trying to read War and Peace to a group of ESL students from Taiwan whom roll their L's into R's; ("Deck the Har's with bows of Horrrry! Fa Rah Rah Rah Rah, Rah Rah, Rah Rah!") as well as place a great deal of emphasis on not being the ones to instigate learning.
I work with students who live and are bred in a culture that demands the utmost of production and perfection with the least amount of learning I know. Taiwan, or Chinese Taipei, has becoming a breeding ground for moderate everything other than excess. I grow weary of the carbon flakes nestled in the sweaty folds of my red neck. Making their nest my dermis post a purging of the exhaust from an unfiltered, under-clutched diesel Nissan load hauler.
I grow tired of the way I am looked at as a commodity to be bought and paid for. I never realized what it would be like to be that Rib-Eye cut, suffocatted and itching to be free from the refridgerated Hades where the scorching eyes and spit glistening fangs of hungry admires wait for the Yes/No.
I do not like being in a place where the entire book of learning, not matter what the case is based solely on a teachers ability to get students to cram. Use Threats. Use Rewards. Up until 8 months ago, Use a Cane. I would like to be in a place where ideas and creativity are flowing. No matter the level of education or the level of knowledge, the ability to think clearly and lead to the development of, at the very least an opinion, is what I am longing to be around again. I have been sitting in my room and the library, and other places trying to insipre myself to learn Greek and Hebrew, brush up my Old and New testament knowledge. And I now realize that the reason for my lacks and failings is that I have not been able to because self learning is like the earth surface of Saturn.

Friday, May 04, 2007

The Mavs Fall

I am half-way around the world and the news came to me in the middle of the day, instead of the end, that the Mavs had gone down at the hand of the Golden State. This series will go down as the greatest first round upset in the history of the NBA playoffs, for several reasons. Number one might be the collapse of Dirk, again I could say, shen it all came down to him. Next the absolute disgrace of a coach Nellie made Johnson out to be. Finally the way that Golden State becamse the Best West Coast Team this year, and perhaps for the next few with all the swirling comments about the departure of Kobe from the West Coast.
The most dissappointing of all of the headlines though is the stat line from Dirky in the last game of this season. 8 pts from the likely MVP in a whalloping. I think Dirk averaged 12 pts a game for the series, or something like that. Two years in a row this guy has collapse in one himself like that bridge in San Francisco. When the fire gets too hot around the boy he starts to show the stress marks left by the season, and it helps the fire out when the architect is the one stoking it and coaching it up. Man did Nellie ever make Cuban look like (Pause for muscial interlude...My Wiener has a first name, it's Oscar. My Wiener has a second name, it's Meyer).
The worst things that could happen because of this loss would be #1 the Cuban flips out and dismantles the team except for Donnie Nelson and the floor wipers, #2 the Warriors get it handed to them by Houston/Utah. I would hate it if Nellie could not get this team past either of those teams.