
I have been absent from this world for a while. I am preparing to leave Missouri and head to Illinois for a year on a vicarage assignment. I am hoping through the nest year I will be more faithful in corresponding what is transpiring in Staunton through this medium.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

I can count the days on one hand

It is a really strange feeling to know that in a few days I am going to be getting on a plane in Taiwan and then be landing in America. Almost as strange as it was for me when I was standing and sitting and waiting to be on and off planes when coming to Taiwan. I am in the process of getting work finished, grades entered, books ordered, tickets confirmed, etc., and then the process of leaving even if it is for a short time. I am looking forward to a refreshed sense about me when I am in America and a renewed life of blogging but I must confess that I am not going to be on the internet for a while, and entering eve less frequently and most likely not at all again after this until I return to sit where I am sitting now.

For the eyes that watch, find something else to do for now, I can no longer entertain your lunch breaks.


Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Fewer and fart-her between

Interesting what happens when you seperate everyday words with a hyphen. Well as my time draws back here and I start preparing mentally and spiritually to be back in America I refrain from entering any information here. I do not have so much time anymore to sit here and spit out thoughtful or even extremely interesting posts, at least I feel like I do not have much time. My flight is confirmed and I am in the middle of finishing up tests that need to be written and small tasks that need to be taken care of.
The weather is getting warm, hot. You can no longer linger in a room with no moving air; there is a danger of suffocation because of the dense humidity smothering you like a blanket. Rain is falling regularly everyday, students are unfocussed and ready not to be in a classroom, so are the teachers. The grass and plants are growing tall and green, flowering.
Man I am ready to be home, but I am not ready for the hastle of a day of flying, changing planes, flying, changing planes, flying, ugh hgiafsihofo gosiho sodihf sdopgi ;oadh;gfaub; a;gubaeirugbpai.
