I can count the days on one hand
It is a really strange feeling to know that in a few days I am going to be getting on a plane in Taiwan and then be landing in America. Almost as strange as it was for me when I was standing and sitting and waiting to be on and off planes when coming to Taiwan. I am in the process of getting work finished, grades entered, books ordered, tickets confirmed, etc., and then the process of leaving even if it is for a short time. I am looking forward to a refreshed sense about me when I am in America and a renewed life of blogging but I must confess that I am not going to be on the internet for a while, and entering eve less frequently and most likely not at all again after this until I return to sit where I am sitting now.
For the eyes that watch, find something else to do for now, I can no longer entertain your lunch breaks.
For the eyes that watch, find something else to do for now, I can no longer entertain your lunch breaks.