Easter and Baptism
There are two dates on the calendar during the church year here in Taiwan that mean more to me than any other days. Christmas and Easter. Many Christians that read or hear about those dates in congruence with importance would say, "That makes sense."
Here, there are two dates on the calendar during the church year that all of the converst to Christianity are baptized. I will give you two guesses...
Easter {the date} has just passed us. On Easter 4 persons were baptized which is one more person than all of last year was washed. Amazing to see
The English names of the baptized are Emily, Mikey, Grace, Jasmine.
Jasmine and Grace are students that have had contact with we foreign teachers for several years. They have been taught bible and had contact with all of us daily for the last two years if not more, and most likely more. Mikey has been coming to church and many of the church activities for several years and is a friend of many college aged students in the church already. He had struggled for a long time with the idea of being baptized and leaving his fmaily behind him. Emily is a new teacher at CMS and
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